by Howard Creative Co

Heeey, I’m Erin aka Foodieventurer. My foodie name is a combination, of my love for food and adventure.

Growing up you could ALWAYS catch me eatin/snackin on something and not much has changed, LOL. Besides the obvious of loving food all my life, my desire to travel and wander for new flavors was all because of an avocado !!! 

For the longest time, I avoided avocados because I was repeatedly told that they were gross. One day I was out eating sushi rolls and asked for the avocado to be omitted. The chef asked me, why I don’t like avocados and it hit me… I. NEVER. EVEN. TRIED. IT. !!! Yet, here I was claiming they were atrocious. *SMH*

That very moment I decided to try it and I actually liked it !!! After a few more bites I started wondering, what else have I missed out on because I assumed other peoples opinion on food ?!! *mind blown* From that day forward, combined with my greedy appetite, I’ve been on a foodie adventure to seek out and try all types of delectable food.


Thanks for visiting my blog and going on this fulfilling journey with me, as I explore life through my tummy !